Shannon Finch

I am 2 days sugar free to raise vital funds for people affected by Muscular Dystrophy!

"Thanks for helping kids like me".
John, 8 years old living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

Kicking the sugar habit?

Oh no folks. I kicked the sugar habit so hard I broke my foot!! ☹️🩼🩼Too soon for photos! 🫢

Woodfired weekend treat

How good is this! 

Thought I’d reward myself with a sensational brekkie, in between being the kids’ chauffeur today. 

No sugar required - just sizzling bacon, tomatoes & eggs out of a woodfired oven. - yum!

Salty goodness?

Oh dear - I lasted fine over the weekend. But can I resist the salty&vinegary goodness of these on the way home??? 🫢

Day 1 - Sugar successfully resisted!

Ok so Day 1 has gone ok.  Sugar successfully resisted - but I think I’m now hooked on these weird BBQ corn snacks.  Tasty - but super salty!  On the upside - my coffee intake hasn’t (yet) doubled!

Support my challenge to help kids and adults with muscular dystrophy!

I am going sugar free this September to raise funds and awareness for people living with neuromuscular conditions such as Muscular Dystrophy.

My fundraising efforts will give kids and adults with neuromuscular conditions access to specialised care, educational resources and support, better treatment options, stronger community ties, and direct services such as kid’s camps and adult retreats.

Please help me smash my fundraising goal by making a secure tax deductible donation today and by spreading the word on social media to encourage others to donate.

Thanks for joining me on this journey of making a difference. Together, we can make a significant impact and achieve remarkable results. (And get a little healthier while we’re at it!)

Want to give Shannon a short break with a SWEET RELEASE Pass?

Gift Shannon a Pass

Want to give Shannon a 1 day opt-out SWEET RELEASE Pass?

Gift Shannon a Pass

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Shannon Finch


Shannon Finch

Ok - I’m gifting myself a sweet release pass, because we had a work dinner. There was pavlova. I’m only human!!!


Sugar Free September Supporter