
Tips for staying sugar free at dessert

Switch up your habits

It is common to feel the need to have something sweet after a meal, especially dinner. This is something you’ll need to change slowly to curb your cravings and transform your habits. Don’t deprive yourself, but instead eat something small yet satisfying like a piece of fresh fruit, plain yogurt or peppermint tea.

Avoid temptation

If you know having chocolate or your sweet treat of choice in the house is far too tempting, avoid buying them and stock up on healthy alternatives instead. Check out our low sugar or sugar free dessert recipes here.

Use Fruit to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Fruit is nature’s dessert. Low glycaemic fruits such as berries, green apples, and fruits from the citrus family are good natural options to help you satisfy a sweet craving. These fruits provide a hint of sweetness while also providing you with a fair amount of fibre and beneficial phytonutrients